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The European vote from Italy

Verantwortlicher Autor: Carlo Marino Rome, 20.05.2019, 16:33 Uhr
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Rome [ENA] Disputes and emotional reactions are increasing in the final period to the European vote in Italy. Migration policy, security, environment, international trade, economic policies, welfare, social and future institutional structure of the European Union (EU) are the main issues. This is considered the first campaign for the European elections that has had a debate on truly "European" issues. Brexit and the growth

of the sovereigntists, nationalist and even nostalgic parties of the dictatorships of the past century, had the effect of starting a lively debate on the future of the countries that compose the European Union. Summarizing its contents in a clash between who is pro and who is against Europe would certainly be an understatement. However, the result of the next elections will certainly mark the fate of a Union that has guaranteed the European Continent the longest period of peace in its history. The migratory crisis that peaked in 2015 and 2016 has permanently marked the European public opinion. The fear that many people seem to have in dealing with different cultures, the

inadequacy of European legislation before an extraordinary economic crisis have blown on the fire of the most conservative parties and of the extreme right in all Europe. The commitment to stop migratory flows towards Europe, to encourage rejections and repatriations is perhaps the only issue capable of really assemble the sovereigntists that goes from the League in Italy to Rassemblement National in France, from Vox in Spain to Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) in Germany. The proposed recipes, however, are different. Because if the League asks for a revision of the Dublin III Regulation (which obliges the first host Member State to take charge of an asylum seeker) and make the redistribution of migrants mandatory, the sovereigntists

of other countries like Hungary, Poland and Austria do not want to hear about this option. The European People's Party is also substantially in favor of the revision of the Dublin Regulation, and is focusing on external borders while rejecting the most extreme positions taken by the sovereigntists. Of course, the position of socialists, the unified left, the Greens and even the liberals is of a different nature, all in favor of sharing responsibilities in front of humanitarian crises, but emphasizing more and more the issue of the integration of migrants rather than their rejection. The demand for a more socially-conscious and less obsessed with austerity policies seems to have found supporters among all political parties.

However, the differences in views between countries remain evident, with the most rigid parties in Northern Europe and Germany opposed to the more "flexible" Mediterranean parties. The theme is the subject of divisions even within the sovereigntists, which sees the Italian League favoring the assault to the European rules on the deficit, and the AfD follower of financial rigor.The socialist family calls for an increase in the EU's competencies in the social field, also introducing a European minimum wage and a European unemployment allowance. The 5-Star Movement, the parties of the united Left and the Greens are also in favor of the minimum wage. Youth demonstrations across Europe have made the fight against climate change

one of the central themes of the election campaign. Traditionally more attentive to ecology issues, the parties of the Scandinavian countries and northern Europe have made environmental protection one of the pivots around which their programs rotate. The same goes, of course, for the Greens, which are calling for the gradual elimination of the use of fossil and nuclear energy in favor of renewables, but also for the united left and the socialists.

Less attention is instead perceived among the popular and in particular among the sovereigntists, many of which have even married the most skeptical theories about climate change of the president of the United States Donald Trump. In an atmosphere of trade war between the US and People’s Republic of China, Europe is also affected, the issue of international trade should not be underestimated among those that will be able to guarantee a future for the European Union.

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