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Interview with Professor Teruaki Matsuzaki

Verantwortlicher Autor: Carlo Marino Rome/Florence, 04.09.2019, 08:38 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Kunst, Kultur und Musik +++ Bericht 6926x gelesen

Rome/Florence [ENA] From 1 to 6 September in Florence is taking place the CIHA’s International Art History Congress (Comité International d’Histoire del’Art). Motion: transformation - is the title of the 35th CIHA International Congress organized by CIHA Italia and by the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz- Max-Planck-Institut. During the Conference Professor Teruaki Matsuzaki of Kanazawa College of Art and Tokyo Kasei Gakuin

University gave a lecture concerning Kakezukuri: A Japanese Building Type of Mountain Religion for the Mystical Experience. The most spectacular style of traditional architecture in Japan is unquestionably the overhang style, kake-zukuri. It’s a very ancient style, and not many kakezukuri buildings survived until today, and amongst them the most famous is the main hall of the Kiyomizu-dera from Kyoto. Professor Teruaki Matsuzaki, one of the most fanous experts of Kakezukuri architecture in the world, kindly agreed to give an interview for European News Agency (ENA).

Carlo Marino: - Prof. Teruaki Matsuzaki you talked about Japanese mountain faith architecture, could you tell something about this kind of architecture? Teruaki Matsuzaki: -This time I talked about Japanese mountain faith architecture. The content is about Kakezukuri architecture that creates a mysterious experience with Creation of images through Empathy. In the speech, I briefly explained how this form was established and how it was used. This form of architecture is completed in the 10th and 11th centuries as a symbolic form of the practitioner who trains with life.

C.M. – Where does the importance of this style come from? T.M. -This architectural style is important because it is designed to be integrated with nature without destroying it as much as possible. The practitioners prayed for the client's illness recovery and happiness there, but eventually abandoned their lives and prayed for the happiness of all the creatures of all people. This is referred to as "Syasin-gyo (scrubbing)".

C.M. – Is it true that the architectural form “Kakezukuri” yet can still teach us a great deal? T.M.- The architectural form Kakezukuri seems to provide a guideline for us today who have various problems such as environmental problems and political problems. I think it's wonderful that this academic society, where researchers from all over the world gather, uses a framework of art history research to sharply ask about the significance of creation and human existence.

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